miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010


picabu!! ok so basically I GOT LUCKY FOR CHRISTMAS!!  #1. made it home
3. WITH FAMILY and 4. I WONT DIE OF HYPERTHERMIA from the cold in Milan ... ;) ( got sick of the stupid snow and the stupid weather)
 I've mainly decided to do this blog post in honor of Qatar; mainly because many didn't exactly know WHAT THE HELL WAS QATAR and where it is situated and THE BEAUTY THIS COUNTRY OFFERS ( regardless of the snobs, brats, and rich people that live here)


outstanding for their culture, religion and BEST OF ALL PANORAMIC SITES!...



domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

Inside of Vogue's Italia Headquarters

Vogue Experience is what Vogue Italy called it, I would rather name it " hey I'm here Im thirsty for success  and for a job!"

One of THE most remarkable experiences I've been to. Not only because I talked ;) ( I tend to stay mute when it comes to jump whenever there is a small opportunity) but because I had the chance not only to meet and check the Vogue's installations , but to talk one to one with the people and family that represent VOGUE ITALIA.
They were not only nice, but humble and helpful.

Had the opportunity to meet Franca Sozzani-Journalist who now is Director of VOGUE ITALY.


got my book singed
"I capricci della moda I post del Direttore"

by: Franca Sozzani


continuing with the journey met probably THE MOST important woman that could fulfill my dream of stylist -Sara Maino - Senior Fashion Editor. 
Had the opportunity to ask some tips and questions about how to start, what to do... and of course and internship!

moving on.. some picture of the so called Vogue Experience.

December's Issue

martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

Rho Fiera

picabu! ;)

pictures from the Rho Fiera in Italy 2010...

Mr.Willy Wonka <3 the Italian Version

Pizza Napoletana

guilty pleasure for many!

..... xoxo

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Tea Party @ Dolce & Gabbana

Tea Party at Dolce&Gabbana Spiga2

everyone was dressed lovely, ready for a cup of tea <3 !

Tea Hacic-Vlahovic and friend 

Glam pose.

Natasha Slater

Yani Deng and her fabulous cup of tea.

Sofia Graniello and her fab hot pink shoes.

I could use a pair ;)

makeup by D&G

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

He loves me, He loves me not.

A tribute to people who are in Love, to those who are searching, and to those who are heart-broken...

"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love." - Sophocles.

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Biscuit Factory Cafe & Bistro meets Psycho Girl.

ok para que nos entendamos,
mi querido amigo Victor Flores aka: floripundio o tutto vergone man... fue muy bondadoso en hacer negocios con la Psycho Girl; me. 
Básicamente mi trabajo era tomar fotos de la arquitectura aquí en Milan para un nuevo proyecto que llevará acabo.

¨El lugar es un nuevo concepto derivado de la panaderia, en donde ofrecemos cafe 100% salvadoreño y bebidas barista style, en un ambiente acogedor. Pretendemos hacer exhibiciones de fotos artisticas, con diversas tematicas y contenidos, las cuales van a estar siendo cambiadas en un lapso de 2-3 meses aproximadamente. Esperamos poder tener ya en exhibicion la primera muestra a finales de octubre, en donde tendremos fotos de construcciones en proceso que se encuentran en el gran san salvador, contrastando con la bella e historica infraestructura de Milan.¨ Victor Flores 

aquí estan mi parte del trabajo ...

espero que les gusten las fotos 

¨La Strada degli Sconosciuti¨

¨Tram Due¨

¨Ciao Milano¨

¨Fermatevi a vedere¨

Ïl Teatro¨

"Amore Fugace"

" L'Uccello e il Duomo"

" I sogni che volano"

" La Farfalal che va via"

"Piazza 24 di Maggio"
